Prison break linc
Prison break linc

prison break linc

Duh! If someone who normally carries their inhaler in their jacket was told to put down said jacket, they would most likely remove the inhaler and put it in their pants or something. Michael refuses, but Not Green says he's asthmatic and his inhaler is in his jacket, which Linc made him throw away.

prison break linc

Then Not Green says they need to go back to his car.

Prison break linc series#

Michael asks a series of questions, which Not Green answers. She gets through and tells him that Little Brother is in big trouble.Linc Runs! while Michael chats with Not Green. Linc directs Green to the basement as Bruce and a now thawed Doc arrive at Green's office and gasp! it's a totally different guy! Doc asks the real Green where the brothers are, but he is rightly confused. He'll be sending C a package and he wants him to "use it."Museum. He also says he'll keep his end of the deal (ie dropping charges against Kacie and getting Dede medical attention) as long as C-Note does something for him. Mahone is to bring about "a death with no questions."So Mahone meets with C-Note and says they're closing in on Michael. He brings up C-Note and says he's no longer needed. Linc calls and tells him to go into the museum.The always smug SAM phones Mahone and informs him that the brothers are in Chicago. Once the sopping wet Green exits the fountain, a kid hands him a cell phone. One of the tails exposits that this is to drown any mics they may have planted on Green. This time Linc tells him to get in the fountain. Green makes it to the fountain (barely) and answers another phone. As he runs, Linc spots a couple of dudes tailing him. Then Linc tells him to go to the fountain on the other side of the park. He instructs Green to put his spendy suit jacket in the trash. The shrink agrees and is "So.?" T-Bag answers by braining the poor guy with a statue.Green's at the park when a pay phone rings. Sucre and Maricruz make it to his aunt's farm.T-Bag's chatting with the shrink and brings up the fact that they resemble one another a bit. Bellick visits HIC and offers him a transfer to a cushy minimum security facility if HIC spills about Mexico.So we head to Mexico. He says his line was tapped and he had nothing to do with GJH's murder. Doc is one cold (but awesome) bitch to him. Bruce (remember him?) shows up and proclaims his innocence regarding the whole trying-to-kill-Doc-ordeal. The brothers head out as Doc heads to.The cemetery, to visit her dad's grave. He instructs Green to wear a blue suit with red tie. Green already knows about the recording, so Michael tells him to meet him in a park in an hour. The secretary transfers their call to some dude in a spendy suit. So they call Green's office and say they're the sons of Aldo Burrows. Linc gets off the phone and says Jane gave him the name of an old Silver Fox ally: Cooper Green, former Deputy Attorney General. Linc takes this in and asks to speak with Jane. reports that he's back in school (under a false name of course) and he's happy. answers a call from his (hot, hot) old man and they catch up. Mahone thinks C's yanking his chain (dirty!), but C assures him that Michael will eventually respond.Wisconsin. Bad Owen!Credits.Mahone and C-Note are checking the europeangoldfinch message board and Michael hasn't checked in, despite C-Note leaving him three messages. He pays the seller with a bullet to the chest. Really? Haven't you guys had, like, a hundred last shots?Cut to Owen, purchasing a huge-ass rifle and scope. Linc immediately suggests Jane (the blonde chick who's looking after L.J.).

prison break linc

Michael says they need to give it to someone within the government whom they trust. Linc thinks the government will try to discredit the recording if they go public with it. Mahone brings up Mexico.Back to the Beatles. So Mahone awesomely lays down the law and says Bellick will get the reward money, but if he ever sets foot in Mahone's office again, he'll be pushing up daisies. They head to Mahone's office where Bellick bitches that he hasn't gotten the reward for Haywire yet and Mahone reminds Bellick that he's suppossed to be operating "under the radar." Bellick is his usual ass self and doesn't care. Bellick shows up, which pleases Mahone about as well as you'd expect. Lang brings up Sucre and says he was spotted in Mexico. Ranger Rabid Mahone's giving a rundown on the Escapees. The Beatles are still listening to the recording and Doc sums up everyone's opinion with an, "Oh my God!"Posse Central.

Prison break linc